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Text File  |  1988-07-06  |  6KB  |  21 lines

  1. ager, agri      a field; hence of or pertaining to farming                                                          agrarian            agriculture         agricultural        agronomy            agri-business                                                                                                           
  2. bio             life; living organisms or tissue                                                                    biochemistry        biography           biology             biopsy              biophysics          bionics             bioluminescence     biosphere           amphibious                              
  3. climat          inclination; the weather of a particular place                                                      clime               climate             climax              acclimate           decline             incline             inclination         recline             declivity           proclivity          
  4. decem           ten; tenth                                                                                          decade              decagram            decimal             decalogue           decathlon           decibel             decimate                                                                        
  5. fallere         to deceive; to be deceived                                                                          fail                failure             fallacious          fallacy             fallible            false               faslsify            fault               faulty              faux pas            
  6. geos (gaia)     the earth                                                                                           geocentric          geode               geosphere           geology             geometry            geography           geotropy            George                                                      
  7. homo            the same; common; one                                                                               homogenous          homo sapiens        homologous          homophone           homosexual          homogeneity         homonym                                                                         
  8. legere          to collect; to gather; to assemble                                                                  legend              lector              lecture             collection          diligent            elector             electorate          intelligent         legible             select              
  9. manere          to remain; to dwell                                                                                 manor               mansion             menagerie           menial              immanent            permanence          remain              remainder           remnant                                 
  10. mores           a way of carrying oneself                                                                           moral               morality            moralize            morale              mores               morose              amoral              demoralize          immoral                                 
  11. odere           to emit a smell                                                                                     odious              odium               odor                malodorous          odoriferous         olfactory           redolent            ozone               annoyance           ennui               
  12. patior          to suffer; to endure                                                                                patience            patient             passion             passionate          impassioned         impatient           passive             dispassionate       compassionate       compatible          
  13. pollen          a fine meal; a fine powder                                                                          pollen              pollinate           powder              pulse               poultice            pulverize                                                                                           
  14. purgare         to purify; to cleanse                                                                               pure                purity              purify              purification        Puritan             purge               purgation           purgatory           expurgate                               
  15. ruber           red in color                                                                                        red                 ruddy               russet              rubella             rubescent           rubric              ruby                rouge                                                       
  16. sedere          to sit                                                                                              see                 sediment            siege               beseige             sedation            sedentary           supersede           surcease            seance                                  
  17. species         a sight; the outward form or shape                                                                  special             specialist          specialize          specialty           especial            specific            specify             specie              species             specious            
  18. tenuis          thin; finely drawn; tender                                                                          thin                tenuous             extenuate           tendril             tendon              tender              attenuate                                                                       
  19. trewe (Germanic)loyal; trusty; faithful                                                                             true                truly               truth               truthful            trust               distrust            entrust             tryst               troth               betrothal           
  20. verbum          a word; the Word of God                                                                             verb                verbal              verbatim            verbiage            verbose             adverb              proverb                                                                         